REST input validation with Spring Boot and Kotlin (youtube tutorial)

This blog post is for sharing the code from a Youtube video. Input validation is important when developing a REST API. Thankfully Spring Boot has a starter dependency that makes the process straightforward. However if you are using Kotlin, there is pitfall that you need to be careful with. In this video we are going… Continue reading REST input validation with Spring Boot and Kotlin (youtube tutorial)

Create a Responsive UI Navbar with HTML & CSS (Youtube tutorial)

This post is for sharing the code of a Youtube tutorial. In modern UI development we need to write websites that change according to the devices of our users. This is called responsive design. One component that changes significantly is the navigation bar. Because mobile phones are narrow, the website navigation is moved to a… Continue reading Create a Responsive UI Navbar with HTML & CSS (Youtube tutorial)

Categorized as web

Add a form to WordPress without plugins (Youtube tutorial)

This is the code for a Youtube tutorial I posted on my channel. Creating and processing forms is a very common task in web development. It’s no surprise some of the most successful plugins in the WordPress ecosystem deal with form creation.  While they do make your life easier there are some advantages for writing your… Continue reading Add a form to WordPress without plugins (Youtube tutorial)

Add shortcode that reads from the database (Youtube tutorial)

This is the source code for a Youtube tutorial I posted on my channel. Adding front-end code to WordPress is pretty straightforward.  However, if we need to add code that runs on the server, for accessing the database for example things get more complicated.  This is because WordPress has a very strict order of executing… Continue reading Add shortcode that reads from the database (Youtube tutorial)

Categorized as wordpress

Add calculator to WordPress without plugins (youtube tutorial)

This is the source code for a Youtube tutorial I posted on my channel. If you are running a website for a company, providing timely estimates to your visitors is important as it increases the chance of converting them into customers. You can estimate how much your product or service is going to cost them… Continue reading Add calculator to WordPress without plugins (youtube tutorial)

Add Javascript to WordPress (youtube tutorial)

Adding a Javascript widget can make a WordPress site more interactive and engaging. The possibilities are endless from stock quotes to calculators and instant messaging. In this video we are adding a Javascript chessboard to WordPress using two different methods. The code used in the tutorial Standalone HTML code snippet

Categorized as wordpress

Access Google Cloud resources from Python Cloud Function (YouTube tutorial)

Accessing Google Cloud resources manually is straightforward. We can use the Web UI or the SDK in the console. However, when we try to the same thing programmatically, from the context of a local script or a cloud function, we run into authorization problems. In this YouTube tutorial we are writing a cloud function that… Continue reading Access Google Cloud resources from Python Cloud Function (YouTube tutorial)

Categorized as cloud

SVG Support in WordPress

SVG is a great format for graphics. Unlike the pixel-based formats such as jpeg and png, which store informations about each pixel, SVG relies on geometrical primitives such as curves, colors and coordinates. This results in a much better experiences when images are scaled, making the format ideal for icons and logos. However, SVG images… Continue reading SVG Support in WordPress